
April 29, 2019

The 1940’s Come Alive with the Swing It Girls!

When was the last time you attended a live musical performance with talented singers, great harmonies, upbeat energy and words you understood? I got that and more when I recently heard The Swing It Girls. Brought to our community by Entertainment Events, Inc., it is their third event I have attended, and it was by far my favorite. EEI is a production company based in NY City, but the president and COO just happen to live in our neighborhood. For many years, they have been bringing high-caliber productions to venues throughout the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, but now they […]
August 1, 2018

Managing Life and Love without Today’s Technology

I recently returned from a relaxing girlfriend’s getaway and never questioned the logistics to make it happen. I would fly from San Francisco to Phoenix and my friend would drive from Santa Fe to eventually rendezvous in the red rocks of Sedona. No problem! We both had an abundance of technology to get us there. Early Monday morning, she left for her six-hour drive and after my meetings, I prepared to head north. However, just before I left, I called to check on her ETA…estimated arrival time. Actually, my car’s Bluetooth-connected phone called her car’s Bluetooth system. Yes, she was […]
April 22, 2018

World War II and Earth Day: What’s the Connection?

Going through my files recently, I found two World War II instruction leaflets that had been used to support the war effort, and I wondered if those messages were still relevant today. One urged women not to waste food and the other encouraged them to make do with what they had. These flyers were asking families to restrict the use of their resources, but why? Once plentiful items like gasoline, tires, automobiles, sugar, coffee and processed foods were no longer readily available. Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the government had instituted policies and practices to ensure that the […]
March 31, 2018

Expect the Unexpected

Opportunity comes when you least expect it but you must keep your eyes open to find it. I first learned this lesson when I was 10 years old. Walking home from school one day, I took a slightly different route and headed up the rocky hill by the Baptist Church. As I trudged up that steep incline, I began kicking leaves into the gully that stretched long and lean beside the church. Almost to the top, I spotted something shiny and was surprised when I pulled a quarter from the leaves. Wow, twenty-five cents. That was a lot of money […]