12-oclockWed 3-4-42
My Dear Genny
Well I feel no paine and feele much happier to know you are getting along so well-I have worried about you to much from now on I will refrain from any worries.
The letters (2) just arrived a few minutes ago so will start this letter befor dinner. Have to take my shots, this afternoon. They are typhoid and ect. Will get three.
Yes I have received all my clothing, a large bag full. They fit good, had my dress uniforms pressed this morning, and sent my suit and overcoat home.
The Mr. Birdwell, whose name you saw in the paper sleeps next to me. He was glad to see the paper clipping. He is a very good fellow-but is worried –for no reason at all. This barracks is like a play house sometimes ever one laughing joking and most ever thing to pass the time it really doesn’t seem like I have been here for more than two days.
I still don’t know how long I will be here but I don’t think it will be longer than a day or so _Time out for dinner_
Have finished lunch, have quit eating so much. I tried to eat all they give for a day or so. I feele better if I don’t stuff. Guess it would be ok if I was doing any work. So far I haven’t done anything, but eat and sleep. Guess that won’t last long.
I wrote Paul Fox a card today. Sure is sweet of Ema Maloney to think of me, how is Robinson? What he heard from the army? Tell him hello for me. If I tried to write ever one, I would be writing all the time. I don’t care to much about doing much writing.
Guess I don’t know any thing more of importance to say at this time. Thanks for the sweet letters and the news.
Beautiful, I love you , keep your face clean and tell the teachers hello-also Mrs. Hunter & Mrs Wallace. By Dear
Love Rol.